a database for spatially resolved transcriptomes


Technique Spatial transcriptomics
Title Spatiotemporal dynamics of molecular pathology in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
PMID 30948552
Description ST was applied to lumbar spinal cord tissue sections (L3 to L5) from SOD1-G93A (ALS) and SOD1-WT (control) mice at presymptomatic, onset, symptomatic, and end-stage time points. Then ST was applied to postmortem lumbar and cervical spinal cord tissue sections from either lumbar- or bulbar-onset sporadic ALS patients, resulting in more than 76,000 spatial gene expression measurements (SGEMs) mapping to ~1200 spinal cord tissue sections of 67 mice, and more than 60,000 SGEMs mapping to 80 postmortem spinal cord tissue sections from seven patients.
Source lumbar spinal cord tissue sections (L3 to L5) from SOD1-G93A (ALS) and SOD1-WT (control) mice, cervical and lumbar spinal cord sections from sporadic ALS patients
Species human
No. genes 11,138 mouse and 9,624 human genes
No. cells NA
Resolution 100 um
Data normalization Median ratio normalization
Data availability Raw and processed mouse data and images have been deposited at NCBI’s Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) Repository under project ID GSE120374. All processed data and images used in the analyses have been deposited to https://als-st.nygenome.org.